we gather together today to share the community and well-being of this parish,
I am drawn to the message of Epiphany, and to the question, “What is the light
our parish bears to our times, and our city, and to our world?” That is the
message of Epiphany, right? Amidst the darkness that shrouds the earth, God has
given a light to shine. Because in the mystery of the divine word made flesh,
God has caused a new light to shine in our hearts, we proclaim in the Epiphany
preface at the Eucharist.
what is the light that we, at St. Andrew, bring to our world? Our nation? Our
bear the light of the ancient and sacramental faith that proclaims the
incarnation of God in our world today. In our faith, matter matters, and how we
treat our selves, treat our neighbor, and treat the creation from which we have
been formed…matters. Every part of creation bears the image of God, of God’s
beauty, God’s imagination, God’s creativity. Our fellowship is not simply with
one another, but with all creation.
believe St. Andrew Episcopal Church has cultivated a reputation in this city. It
is a place where the many lines that divide and define people in our culture
are intentionally and mindfully blurred, if not erased. It is a place where
unity and community is extended beyond our belief, our ethnicity, sexuality,
politics, nationality, and all the other ways people are excluded and defined. Why
does the light of inclusion and mutual respect for all people and creation shine
in our midst? Because this is the faith and life we have received, it is the
catholic faith passed down through all the ages, the light of common humanity
reflected in the divine embrace of the whole creation through the mystery of
the incarnation. The whole earth is filled with God’s glory, and who are we to
diminish the glory of God in anyone or anything, simply because they are
bear the light of the beauty and creativity of God and creation. When Jesus
emerged in his generation, he represented a different view and voice than what
had become the dominant voice of religion. Christianity, as it is wielded and
perceived in popular culture, is no longer the faith and teaching of a
suffering servant, but has become a battle-ram in the hands of religious and
political bullies.
incarnate in Jesus was a poet, a teacher, a healer, a community builder, a
gracious guest, a humble leader, a bridge between factions and cultures, a
willing sacrifice for the sake of others. The life of Jesus was beautiful, it
was filled with poetic rhythm and voice. His life evolved like the seasons of
the earth, from incubation to resurrection, like a seed that falls from a grain
of wheat that became the bread of life. This parish walks the path and shines
the light of that eternal cycle from birth to death to re-birth every year. We
are not identified by the political and cultural issues and struggles of our
day, for in this place people dwell together with diverse perspectives. We are
identified by the eternal rhythm of eternal life as it was lived in the life of
Jesus, the Christ, and as it is revealed through the seasons of the earth.
thirdly, we shine the light of community. From the earliest documents and
records preserved through two millennia, Christian community was always
intended to be lived like family. In this parish we are not members, attenders,
supporters… we are family. We are known, we are loved, we are embraced and
welcomed, we are prayed for…often. When one of us receives a serious diagnosis,
we all bear the sorrow and concern. When any of us suffer loss, grief, anguish,
we all accompany in one way or another that walk through the valley of shadows
and deaths. We share many meals, together. We break bread, share the cup, offer
the prayers, and pass the peace…not as strangers or acquaintances…but as
brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, aunts and uncles. I can think of so
many examples of the light of community that shines here at St. Andrew, but
allow me to offer just this one. When Harley became a member of our family
eight years ago, I have watched from the beginning how she did not simply gain
the Lightseys as her new and loving family, she became a daughter, a
granddaughter, a sister of this parish. This church, and its many members, became
her family, just as it has been for all of us. The family, here, is not
perfect, but it never resigns from its intention to being the beloved community
of God in Christ.
When Jesus emerged amidst the landscape and culture of his day, he emerged with
the light of love, of divine kinship, of healing and reconciliation, of grace
and compassion, of peace and favor for the poor and powerless. We too, as a
parish and a people can be a light to the landscape and culture of our day. The
light of the ancient and catholic faith, the light of beauty and creativity,
the light of community and universal family.
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